At Calista Corporation, our cultural values and business go hand in hand.

In 2022, the Yukon-Kuskowkim Region experienced an unprecedented food security crisis. In this video, Calista Shareholder Carey Atchak and Calista Vice President of Corporate Affairs Thom Leonard discuss the Aruqutet 2022 Project, a partnership between Calista Corporation and the Bethel Community Services Foundation, where Atchak works as Food Security Coordinator, to distribute food packages to every adult in the region.

Alaska Native Resilience: Calista Corporation (3:09)

In the next video, Calista Workforce and Shareholder Development Manager Brenda Pacarro and Calista President/CEO Andrew Guy discuss instruction they received from their grandparents and how they apply those lessons in their daily life and work.

Culture.Business: Calista Corporation (1:47)

Learn more about Calista’s vision, mission and values