We are pleased to provide a variety of publications with Shareholders and other interested in the lands and natural resources of the Calista Region.
New publication!
White Paper-Calista Corporation’s Role in the Land Selection Process Pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971. (Read excerpt.) A copy of the entire white paper is available on request by sending an email to Calista_Land @ www.calistacorp.com. Please include:
- The title of the white paper in your request
- Your name
- Your organization and title (if any)
- Your email address
- Your mailing address
- And your phone number
- Calista Region Map Showing Villages (png |4 MB)
- Calista Land Status Map (pdf |1.3 MB)
- Calista Region Geology and Mineral Prospects (pdf | 2.1 MB)
- Alaska Map Showing Calista Region (pdf | 505 kb)
- BLM Lands in the Calista Region (pdf | 2.5 MB)
- Calista Corporation Lands Closed to Sport Hunting (pdf | 536 kb)
- Donlin Creek Geology Map (pdf | 1.3 MB) (Courtesy of NovaGold Resources, Inc.)
- (Excerpt) 2020 Calista Corporation’s Role in the Land Selection Process Pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971 (pdf | 141 kb)
- Calista Regional Prospects Summary (pdf | 1.31 mb)
- 2004 Goodnews Bay Report (pdf | 9.1 mb)
- Bundtzen and Miller,1997 Precious Metals with Late Cretaceous Early Tertiary (pdf | 5 mb)
- Calista Region Oil and Gas PRA (pdf | 4.9 mb)
- Decker et al, 1994 – Geology of Southwestern Alaska (pdf | 3.0 mb)
- Donlin Creek Goldfarb 2004 (pdf | 3.5 mb)
- Geology and Geochemistry of the Arnold Prospect (pdf | 555 kb)
- Goodnews Bay Gold District (pdf | 616kb)
- Goodnews Bay Technical Report (pdf | 40.8 mb)
- Ikuk Prospect (pdf | 60 mb)
- Kako Gold Mine Fabich, 1993 (pdf | 794 mb)
- Lode Gold Occurrences Near Kako and Stuyahok (pdf | 1.5 mb)
- Marshall Mining District Prospectus (pdf | 555 kb)
- Mary Martinez 2004 thesis (pdf | 3.4 mb)
- Miller, et al, 2002 – Late Cretaceous Strike – Slip Tectonics (pdf | 2.2 mb)
- Nyac Gold Project Summary (pdf | 563 kb)
- Nyac Prospectus (pdf | 1.6 mb)
- Southworth Foley (pdf | 3.3 mb)
- Stuyahok Prospectus (pdf | 6.9 mb)
- Szumigala et al 1999 Donlin Creek (pdf | 1.9 mb)
- Szumigala, 1996 – Gold Mineralization and Cretaceous – Tertiary (pdf | 2.3 mb)
- Tolstykh et al 2002 Goodnews Bay Mineralogy (pdf | 550 kb)
- Wenz 2005 BLM OFR 103 Nyac (pdf | 4.4 mb)
- Willow Creek Placer – Marshall District (pdf | 588 kb)