Congrats to our Nine Calista Corporation Regular Early Bird Proxy Prize Winners!
Over 10,000 Shareholders Qualified for $27,500 in Prizes
June 19, 2020
(Anchorage, Alaska) – Nine Calista Corporation Shareholders are winners of the Regular Early Bird proxy prizes for the 46th Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Over 10,000 Shareholders who cast their proxy votes by 5pm on June 15, qualified for the 2020 Regular Early Bird prizes. Valid online proxies cast at and paper proxy votes qualified. Winners are randomly selected by Sramek Hightower, a certified public accounting firm in Anchorage that serves as the Inspector of Elections.
- $10,000 Prize – Charles B. McNamara (Harrisburg, AR)
- $5,000 Prize –
- Beverly J. Spud (Anchorage)
- Kendra George (Akiachak)
- $2,500 Prize – Wybon K. Rivers (Scammon Bay)
- $1,000 Prize –
- Amelia Filey (Austintown, OH)
- Beverly N. Owletuck (Marshall)
- Christine M. John (Newtok)
- Enakenty S. J. Stephanoff-Larson (Russian Mission)
- Marjorie Mellick (Anchorage)
“The deadline for the final round of proxy prizes is 5pm on June 29,” said Thom Aparuk Leonard, director of Communications and Shareholder Services. “All valid proxy votes must be received by this time. Shareholders who have misplaced their PIN can contact Sramek-Hightower at 907-633-3320. The PIN will also allow Shareholders to view the Annual Meeting.”
The Calista Annual Meeting scheduled for July 3, 2020, has changed from an in-person to a virtual Annual Meeting, due to COVID-19. Proxy voting continues as normal this year, except ballots cannot be cast “in-person” during the meeting. Shareholders are encouraged to save their individual PIN to view the virtual meeting. The meeting will start at 1pm.
Proxy prizes are only awarded if enough Shareholders vote and quorum is reached. This makes the Annual Meeting valid. Updates and details are posted at
See 2020 Final Proxy Prize Winners
See 2020 Online Early Bird Proxy Prize Winners
Annual Meeting Updates
Board Slate Information
What should I do if I lose or forget my voting PIN?
To recover your voting PIN, please contact the Inspector of Elections Sramek-Hightower CPAs at 907-677-3320 during business hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time.