Calista President Andrew Guy Appointed to Alaska Energy Security Task Force

Gov. Mike Dunleavy Assigns Task Force to Develop Plan for Affordable Energy

March 23, 2023

Andrew Guy, Calista Corporation President/CEO

Andrew Guy, Calista Corp. President/CEO

On Wednesday, March 22, Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy revised the Alaska Energy Security Task Force by establishing the Lieutenant Governor as Chair and appointing Calista Corp. President and CEO Andrew Guy to a new voting seat.

Governor Dunleavy created the task force in February to develop a comprehensive statewide energy plan that will help the State of Alaska achieve its goal of reducing the cost of energy to Alaska residents.

In his announcement this week, Governor Dunleavy said, “Alaska is an oil and gas giant, but we are all in for every form of energy – wind, solar, hydro, tidal, geothermal, micronuclear, and hydrogen.”

The task force is assigned to deliver an initial report to the Governor by May 19.

The voting members of the task force are:

• Lieutenant Governor Dahlstrom (Chair of the Task Force)
• Commissioner Jason Brune (Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation)
• Commissioner John Boyle (Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources)
• Curtis Thayer (Vice Chair of the Task Force) (The Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority)
• Gwen Holdman (Vice Chair of the Task Force) (Member from the University of Alaska with a background in energy)
• Clay Koplin, Cordova Electric Cooperative (Member from a utility that represents rural Alaska or a community receiving power cost equalization)
• Nils Andreassen, Alaska Municipal League (Member who represents a city, borough, or municipality)
• Tony Izzo, Matanuska Electric Association (Member with a Railbelt utility background)
• John Simms, Enstar (Member from the oil and gas industry)
• Karl Hanneman, International Tower Hill Mines (Member from the mining industry)
• Robert Venables, Southeast Conference (Member with a background in economic development)
• Andrew Guy, Calista Corporation (Member from the business community)
• Jenn Miller, Renewable Independent Power Producers (Member from any segment of the Alaskan energy industry)
• Duff Mitchell, Juneau Hydropower (Member of the general public)
• Isaac Vandenburg, Launch Alaska (Member of the general public)