Board Message: Welcome New Shareholders

Willie Kasayulie, Board Chair

Storyknife, November/December 2024 edition

Willie Kasayulie, Board Chair

Willie Kasayulie, Calista Board Chair

We would like to welcome over 800 new Calista Corporation Shareholders! Our youngest Shareholder was born in late July 2024, and 93 Shareholders are under one year of age.

Eligible Descendants who completed an enrollment document with all the required documentation by the August 31 deadline received Class C shares in Calista’s 16th stock issuance this fall.

Open enrollment is an important function of our corporation to keep the younger generations involved and growing with the company. Shareholders voted and passed a resolution in 2015 to issue stock to Descendants of original Calista Shareholders and to missed enrollees who could have received original Calista shares but did not.

The number of Shareholders has nearly tripled over the last six years going from 13,000 Original Shareholders before enrollment to 38,100 Shareholders after this fall’s stock issuance. Calista remains the largest Alaska Native corporation by number of Shareholders.

As an Alaska Native corporation, it is ingrained in our Mission to provide for you, the Shareholders.

Open enrollment is an important function of our corporation to keep the younger generations involved and growing with the company.

Shareholders receive benefits through distributions, scholarships, internships, work hire preference, state and federal funding from advocacy for community and shareholder needs, and many business opportunities.

As a new Shareholder, it is important to be involved in the process of our corporation. In 2025 you will receive voting materials for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. You help decide our future. Eligible Shareholders who are at least 18 years old may run for the Board of Directors or propose resolutions. Or you may simply make your voice heard by voting in the Annual Meeting.

Do you know someone who has yet to enroll? Remind your family to start the enrollment application to meet the mid-January 2025 deadline for the next stock issuance.