A Phone Survey of Calista Corporation Shareholders soon to be Underway

In the coming days, Dittman Research will conduct a survey of Calista Shareholders in the Yukon Kuskokwim Region.

We have hired an independent, Alaskan survey research company called Dittman Research to conduct this survey on our behalf.

Over the next week you may receive a phone call from an interviewer with Dittman Research. The survey should take only 5 to 10 minutes. It is completely anonymous and confidential.

Basic demographic questions and health questions related to COVID-19 will be asked, but this information is being collected on a completely anonymous basis. Your identity or any personally identifiable information (name, gender, etc.) will not be connected to your survey responses.

If you are one of the Shareholders contacted, we encourage you to participate in the survey.


See Shareholder Development & Benefits