Quyana Cakneq for Supporting the CECI 2024 Golf Classic Tournament

Storyknife, July/August 2024

Calista Interns at the 2024 CECI Golf Classic Tournament.
Calista Interns at the 2024 CECI Golf Classic Tournament.

The Calista Education and Culture, Inc. (CECI) 23rd Annual Golf Classic on June 12 was a great success raising $200,000 for its scholarship program. It would not have been possible without support from our amazing business sponsors.

Proceeds support Calista Shareholders and Descendants aiming to achieve their educational goals to become future leaders in our communities and beyond. Scholarships are awarded twice annually and may cover college or trade school and undergrad or master’s programs. Quyana for your support of our Shareholders!

Thank you Donlin Gold, Capitol Hill Policy Group, KeyBank, Calista Pres./CEO Andrew Guy, Alaska Permanent Capital Management, Bristol Bay Native Corporation, CIRI, Delta Constructors, Doyon Limited, Alaska Communications, Bering Straits Native Corporation, Brice Environmental, Brice Engineering, Brice Solutions, Doyon Drilling, Marsh & McLennan Agency, Nordic Calista, Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt, STG Pacific, and our many golf team sponsors!

Calista Education & Culture, Inc. is an Alaska Native 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. CECI’s mission is to celebrate and promote Yuuyaraq, the traditional/cultural way of being in the Calista Region which inspires and encourages our people to achieve their dreams through education. CECI provides scholarships, conducts and publishes cultural preservation research, provides burial assistance, and holds culture camps that facilitate the sharing of traditional knowledge between our Elders and our youth.