Donlin Gold: Community Q&A in 2024
Public Meetings in Anchorage, Bethel and Y-K Villages
Storyknife, November/December 2024 edition

If you were looking to learn more on provide feedback on the Donlin Gold Project in 2024, it was a strong year for public meetings.
Public meetings related to the Donlin Gold project that Calista helped organize in this year included:
- Calista Shareholder Relations Committee meetings in 16 Y-K villages
- Bethel Open House with Calista, The Kuskokwim Corporation (TKC) and Donlin Gold
- Anchorage Open House with Calista, TKC and Donlin Gold
The Calista Shareholder Relations Committee (SRC) was created in 2004 to discuss the proposed gold mine and other topics important to Shareholders. Composed of five members of the Calista Board of Directors, the committee has visited Y-K villages more than 200 times since its formation.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the SRC suspended travel completely and it took time for it to resume a normal travel schedule. This year stands out as an exceptional one for travel. The SRC visited Kipnuk, Chefornak, Napakiak, Atmautluak, Kongiganak, Marshall, Oscarville, Pilot Station, St. Mary’s, Toksook Bay, Eek, Hooper Bay, Quinhagak, Mekoryuk, Nunam Iqua and Emmonak. The only segment canceled due to weather was Sleetmute.
“SRC meetings are a great opportunity for our Shareholders and community members to interact directly with Calista Board members and management about the Donlin project, whether it is getting questions answered or simply learning about the status of the project,” says Thom Leonard, Calista Corp. vice president of corporate affairs.
In addition to the SRC meetings, Calista partnered with TKC and Donlin Gold on open house meetings about the project in Anchorage and Bethel held in August and September. These meetings were staffed by Calista, TKC and Donlin Gold leadership and technical staff.
SRC meetings are a great opportunity for our Shareholders and community members to interact directly with Calista Board members and management about the Donlin project, whether it is getting questions answered or simply learning about the status of the project.
Thom Leonard, Calista vice president of corporate affairs
The open house meetings were intended to provide the public with a general update on the project, encouraging people to ask questions and share concerns on any topic. It was also an opportunity for attendees to get to know the leadership team of each entity involved in the project. KYUK reported on the Bethel open house meeting, and topics covered over multiple hours ranged from mine tailings to barging on the Kuskokwim River, as well as Shareholder hire and other benefits.
“For Calista, the community meetings aren’t just about answering questions, they are about hearing directly from our Shareholders, Tribes and community residents. This is important, because in several key areas, including barging, the project has improved because its partners—Calista, TKC and Donlin Gold—responded to local input,” says Tisha Kuhns, Calista Corp. vice president of land and natural resources.
We want people to feel comfortable approaching us with their questions and concerns so that we can improve open dialog and help people better understand elements of the project by hearing the answers directly from the source,” said Enric Fernandez, Interim General Manager for Donlin Gold.
Didn’t get a chance to participate in one of the Donlin-related meeting in 2024?
Tribes and other interested parties can reach out to to request a meeting.