April 5, 2012

Calista Corporation 2012 Shareholder Dividends Total $4M
Calista Continues to Fulfill ANCSA Social Directives

April 5, 2012

Calista Corporation 2012 Shareholder Dividends Total $4M
Calista Continues to Fulfill ANCSA Social Directives

(Anchorage, Alaska) – The Calista Corporation Board of Directors voted at its April 5 meeting to approve a Shareholder dividend distribution totaling $3.99 million to Shareholders of record dated March 29. This marks the fifth consecutive yearly dividend increase with distributions since inception at more than $17.4 million. Calista has one of the largest populations of Shareholders among the Alaska Native Corporations at more than 12,000 individuals. The April distribution equates to $3.00 per share. Checks are expected to be mailed out by the close of business Friday, April 13.

“Dividends are only one aspect of the ANCSA mandate to improve the socio-economic lives of Alaska Native Corporation Shareholders,” said Calista Corporation Board Chair Art Heckman. “Calista will continue to support our region through scholarships, internships, advocacy for regional infrastructure and employment opportunities.”

Strategic subsidiary business activities throughout Alaska and the United States in 2011 continued to enhance Calista’s revenue base. Calista Real Estate was founded to purchase and oversee distressed and foreclosed properties in the western areas of the country. Two businesses also acquired were AtContact and Sequestered Solutions. AtContact is a telecommunications company providing worldwide services and will operate under subsidiary Alaska Telecom, Inc. Sequestered Solutions is a Managed Services Provider that offers a full range of IT services and maintains two secure data hosting facilities meeting rigorous Telco and Homeland Security standards.

Calista Corporation 2011 year-end financial results include revenues of $300.5 million resulting in a net income of $15.7 million after taxes. Additionally, company assets grew to $233.37 million in 2011 from $201.56 million in 2010, due primarily to inventory and receivables.

Pursuant to the Alaska Corporations Code, this Shareholder dividend distribution is made entirely from Calista’s paid-in capital account. Because the distribution was made from the paid-in capital account the distribution is non-taxable to Shareholders.

The second largest of the original 13 Alaska Native corporations, Calista Corporation was established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 and represents over 12,000 Shareholders. The Calista region encompasses over 6.5 million acres and includes 56 villages, which are incorporated into 46 individual village corporations. Since 1994, Calista has provided more than $2.7 million in scholarships and since inception more than $17.4 million in dividends and distributions to its Shareholders and Descendants.

Calista Corporation is the parent company of 17 subsidiaries, providing services ranging from telecommunications and marketing to construction and facility management. Calista can be found on Facebook ( and Twitter (