About 11,000 Calista Shareholders voted in 2021.

More than 7 in 10 Shareholders, including more than 4 in 10 Elders, voted online in 2021. A new record!

Only your votes elect Directors!

In 2012, the Calista Board of Directors responded to Shareholder feedback and removed discretionary voting by the Board. In every Annual Meeting since, Shareholders exercised their power to elect directors by voting.

Virtual Meeting prizes and video excerpts

More than 400 Shareholders logged into the 2021 Annual Meeting! The average participant view time was 75 minutes.

New this year! All who logged into the virtual meeting qualified for a random drawing for two $2,500 prizes.

Congratulations to our two Virtual Meeting prize winners!

  • Beverly M. Johnson (Anchorage)
  • Candida V. Andrew (Kwigillingok)

Video excerpts from the 2021 Annual Meeting:

President’s Message (11 min, 18 sec)

Voting results

Quyana to the YK communities with the highest voting rates this year.

Overall, more than 70% of all Shareholders voted online in 2021, versus ~60% last year.

Four in 10 Elders voted online, also an increase from last year.

How does your vote empower you?

  • It means that your votes count.
  • Only Shareholder votes elect Directors.
  • The Directors you elect set the goals for the corporation, and management works to fulfill those goals.

Why is quorum important?

  • The votes you cast won’t count if too few Shareholders vote.
  • If a majority of shares are not voted, the meeting will be invalid.
  • Proxy prizes are only awarded if quorum is met.

Why vote online?

  • #SaveTrees forMaqiis! Nearly 1,800 Shareholders opted to receive Annual Meeting materials electronically this year, saving ~1,600 pounds of paper. Wow!
  • Most Shareholders voting online finished in less than 3 minutes.
  • It costs over $100,000 just to print and mail Annual Meeting materials to Shareholders.
  • If quorum isn’t met in time, there is a risk that Calista will need to print and mail voting materials again. That’s over 6 tons of paper.

Want to make sure voting is faster and saves paper during next year’s voting season?