Brice Inc.

“Brice Marine is an important part of Brice Inc.’s history. Our marine capabilities have helped to shape and provide an identity for Brice Inc. as a company that can tackle the most complex projects in the most difficult Alaska locations.”

Brice Marine, LLC provides marine logistic services to support projects and operations for a variety of entities in Alaska and other locations worldwide. Their capabilities allow access to most Alaska locations accessible by navigable waters. They provide marine support for a variety of projects in Alaska and other locations around the world where specialty marine equipment and experience is required.


  • Marine support
  • Articulated Tug and barge – beach landings and Ro-Ro operations
  • 4’ light draft vessel for shallow water navigability

Customer Base

  • Construction companies
  • Oil companies
  • Various private and public entities


For more information on how to do business with Brice Marine, contact them at (907) 277-2002, or visit them at