2024 Board of Directors Nominee Solicitation Announcement
January 19, 2024
Calista Corporation Board of Directors Nominee Solicitation
The Calista Corporation (“Calista”) Board of Directors is seeking the nomination of Shareholders for the four (4) Director seats up for election at the Calista Annual Meeting of Shareholders on June 7, 2024. This solicitation is for Shareholder applicants wishing to be included as nominees in the Calista Corporation Board Proxy process.
The director seats open for election are Administrative Unit 1 (Chevak, Hooper Bay, Paimiut, Scammon Bay), Administrative Unit 2 (Alakanuk, Bill Moore’s Slough, Emmonak, Hamilton, Sheldon Point (Nunam Iqua)), Administrative Unit 3 (Chuloonawick, Kotlik, Mountain Village, Pitkas Point, Saint Mary’s) and Administrative Unit At-Large (Any Shareholder). Nominees must hold a voting Calista share associated with a village listed in the unit, be at least 18 years of age, promise to fully comply with the Calista Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for Directors upon election, and meet the other eligibility requirements in the Nominee Packet. Each Director will hold office for a term of three (3) years.
You can get a Nominee Packet from Calista after 8 a.m. on Friday, January 19, 2024 at Calista’s Anchorage office at the contact information below or by e-mailing packetrequest@calistacorp.com. It is recommended that you request the Nominee Packet as soon as possible after they are available. This will allow adequate time for the packet to be sent to you and time for you to read and complete the required paperwork and send it back to Calista.
The Nominee Packet includes, among other items: (1) Checklist for Nominees; (2) Calista Corporation Bylaws; (3) Calista Corporation Election Policies and Procedures; (4) Calista Corporation Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for Directors; (5) State of Alaska Information for Shareholders of ANCSA Corporations; (6) ANCSA Proxy Regulations; (7) Nominee Application and Disclosure; (8) Nominee Agreement; (9) Nominee Personal Statement Form; (10) Photo Specifications (Reminder); and (11) Postage paid return envelope, if a hard copy packet is requested.
The deadline for Calista’s RECEIPT of completed nominee materials is 5 p.m. on Friday, March 1, 2024. The materials must arrive at Calista’s Anchorage office by hand delivery, mail, fax, or electronic transmission on or before the deadline.