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Board Message: Annual Meeting Voting
By Robert Beans, Board Chair
Storyknife, March/April 2019 edition

Robert Beans, Calista Board Chair
Calista Corporation’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders takes place every summer. This annual gathering is an opportunity for Shareholders to learn about the progress of the corporation and plan for its future. It’s important for Shareholders to participate in every Annual Meeting through the act of voting.
If too few Shareholders vote, the corporation will be forced to reschedule the meeting and that could cost over $200,000. That’s money designated for donations, distributions, internships and other Shareholder benefits.
It’s wonderful to see our future leaders take such an active role in our corporation. When we welcomed a new generation of Shareholders, the number of voting Shareholders 18-39 years old more than doubled. Last year, these new Shareholders voted for the first time.
“The simple act of voting every year secures the future of our corporation for generations to come.” – Robert Beans, Board Chair
The Shareholder voting rate for last year’s meeting was the eighth highest in corporation history. In previous years only one in three voters between the ages of 18 and 39 voted, but last year nearly half voted. I encourage voters of this generation who did not participate last year to vote this year.
Shareholders are also changing the manner in which they choose to vote. Last year, 68 percent of proxy votes were cast online at CalistaVote.com. This year, Shareholders can opt to receive Annual Meeting materials electronically. If you choose to receive the materials online only, you will get an email notice that voting is open on the same day packets are mailed.
Shareholders who receive the paper materials have the option to vote online or with the paper form.
Shareholders choosing electronic opt-ins will get a piece of paper in the mail with an individual voting PIN. This serves as a backup in case the email with the online voting PIN is sent to the spam folder.
Each household will receive one Annual Meeting packet. This large packet will contain the Annual Report book, which helps Shareholders review the 2018 financials, Annual Meeting agenda, list of proxy prizes and information about each candidate.
Shareholders who receive the paper materials have the option to vote online or with the paper form. On the back of the form there will be an online voting PIN. For Shareholders who choose to vote with the paper proxy, a postage-paid envelope will be included with the proxy voting form.
Thank you for your active participation in each Annual Meeting. Our corporation’s success is a direct result of your actions. Quyana Cakneq.