Board Message: Calivika
Willie Kasayulie, Board Chair
Storyknife, January/February 2023 edition

Willie Kasayulie, Board Chair
Our new Shareholder Business Directory is a resource for you, the Shareholder, to let other Shareholders and the public know what you have to offer.
The business directory is fittingly named Calivika [cha-LEE-week-ah], Yup’ik for “my workplace.” The word is derived from the same base word for Calista, which is Yup’ik for “the worker.”
Our mission as Calista Corporation is to increase Shareholder benefits and economic opportunities through innovation, growth, leadership, partnership, execution and financial discipline. Calivika is just one way to do that.
As the corporation grows, we strive to find ways for you the Shareholder to thrive as well. Our corporate value of Teamwork and meeting our commitments to each other calls to mind tuvqakiyaraq [DUUV-ga-GEE-yah-uk], the process of “sharing your bounty with others.”
Calista is privileged to elevate Shareholder businesses to any degree, as we work for you. Your success is our success.
On the Calivika website,, you can find a range of offerings. From qaspeqs to contractors, to artists and musicians, our Shareholders are keeping busy. Please take a moment to see some of the valuable endeavors taken by our fellow Shareholders in Anchorage, Bethel and beyond.