June 22, 2017
Congratulations again! Below is a list of the regular Early Bird Prize winners. All proxy votes (online and paper) received by the Inspector of Elections, Sramek-Hightower, by June 19 at 5pm were eligible.
The final deadline to cast your proxy votes is July 3. They must be received by the Inspector of Elections by 5pm that day.
- Vote with Paper Proxy: eligible for the Proxy Prizes
- Vote online at CalistaVote.com: eligible for Proxy Prizes AND Online Regular Proxy Prizes
Regular Early Bird Winners (alphabetical order):
- Essie Angellan (Toksook Bay)
- John W. Andrew (Kwethluk)
- Josephine A. Changsak (Russian Mission)
- Maxie B. Evan (Nunapitchuk)
- Naomi Evan (Lower Kalskag)
- Norma J. Shorty (Emmonak)
- Norman W. Black (Napakiak)
- Samuel Strauss (Bethel)
- Shane R. Chayalkun (Chevak)
- Sinka Crane Jr. (Sleetmute)
- Stephanie D. Evon (Kwethluk)
- Xavier Slats (Akiachak)
Helpful information:
- Annual Meeting page
- Quorum information page