Board of Directors Solicitation for Unit 6 Interim Director Applicants
Qualified Shareholders May Apply to Serve Remainder of Unit 6 Term
December 14, 2023
With the recent resignation of Jolene John, who resigned her seat on the Calista Corporation Board of Directors to accept the position of BIA Regional Director – Alaska Region, the Calista Corporation Unit 6 Director position became vacant. Pursuant to the Calista Bylaws, “any vacancy on the Board of Directors (“Board”) may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the remaining Directors.”
The Calista Board intends, at a special meeting scheduled for February 16, 2024, to appoint an interim director to fill the vacant Unit 6 Director position. The Interim Director will serve the remainder of the Unit 6 term, which will be up for election at the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
The Calista Board invites qualified Shareholders to apply for the Unit 6 Interim Director position. To be considered qualified, Applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a voting Calista Shareholder at least 18 years of age.
- Must hold one or more Calista shares associated with one of the Unit 6 villages of Chefornak, Mekoryuk, Newtok (Mertarvik), Nightmute, Toksook Bay, Tununak, and Umkumiute.
- Must submit a completed application by the deadline, 5 p.m. on January 5, 2024.
- Must meet other eligibility requirements in Alaska statutes and regulations.
- Must promise to fully comply with the Calista Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for Directors upon appointment.
Interested Shareholders can get an Applicant Packet from Calista after 8 a.m. on December 14, 2023, at Calista’s Anchorage office at the contact information below, or by emailing It is recommended that you request the Applicant Packet as soon as possible after they are available. This will allow adequate time for the packet to be sent to you and for you to read and complete the required paperwork and send it back to Calista.
The Applicant Packet includes, among other items: (1) Checklist for Applicants; (2) Calista Code of Business Ethics and Conduct for Directors; (3) Calista Corporation Amended and Restated Bylaws; (4) Interim Director Applicant Disclosure Questionnaire; (5) Interim Director Applicant Agreement; (6) Interim Director Applicant Personal Statement Form; and (7) Postage Paid Return Envelope (if a hard copy packet is requested).
The deadline for Calista’s RECEIPT of completed applicant materials is 5 p.m. on January 5, 2024. The materials must arrive at Calista’s Anchorage office by hand-delivery, mail, fax, or electronic transmission on or before the deadline. If you have questions about the Interim Director selection process, please contact the Calista Legal Department at Calista’s office noted below.
5015 Business Park Blvd., Suite 3000, Anchorage, AK 99503
Phone 907-275-2800; Toll Free 800-277-5516; FAX 907-275-2929