Calista Corporation Announces Elders’ Benefit Distribution
Total 2022 Elders’ Distribution Reaches $1 Million
November 29, 2022

(Anchorage, Alaska) – Calista Corporation is pleased to announce the 2022 Elders’ Benefit Program distribution. Original Shareholders who are at least 65 years old as of November 11 will receive $350 per Elder this year, for a total authorized distribution of about $1 million. The total distribution has increased 4 percent over the 2021 total.
“Each year the number of eligible Elders has increased. We are grateful to our Elders for their invaluable transference of cultural knowledge, and we hope this distribution can help alleviate some of the financial weight,” says Willie Kasayulie, Calista Corp. Board Chair.
The distribution date will be on or before December 16 for both direct deposit and paper checks sent via first-class mail. More than 2,850 Elders are eligible this year, an increase of nearly 100 Elders from last year.
At the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, a majority of Shareholders voted to create an Elders’ Benefits Program. The program defined Elders as original Shareholders who are at least 65 years old. The Board has authorized an Elders’ Benefit Distribution each year since 2008. The first distribution in 2008 totaled $375,750.
Calista, through its Settlement Trust, distributed a record $14.6 million to its Shareholders in 2022, over $2 million more than last year. This amount includes the spring distribution, November’s Akilista (AW-kee-lis-tah) distribution and this Elders’ Benefit Program distribution. This is the 41st distribution in Calista’s history.
Calista Corporation has over 35,800 Alaska Native Shareholders and is the parent company of more than 30 subsidiaries in the following industries: defense contracting, construction, real estate, environmental services, natural resource development, marine transportation, oilfield services, and heavy equipment sales, service and rentals. Since 1994, Calista has provided more than $6.1 million in scholarships to its Shareholders and Descendants. Since inception, Calista has declared over $113.2 million in distributions to Shareholders, including $10.2 million in Elders’ Benefit Program distributions.